Toilet Training Toddlers With Nappy Pants

Why Training Pants?

Making the transition from nappies to underwear is all a part of the toilet training process. Nappies are really just a portable toilet, so using nappy-pants is an important part of your child's transition to underwear.

Nappy-pants are as absorbent as nappies, so they will absorb any accidents. This is especially important when you are out and about.

Nappy-pants pull up and down like pants. This aids in your child's transition to underwear as your child learns to pull them up and down independently.

Huggies Nappy-Pants are one of a number of toilet training products designed specifically to help with this phase of your child's development.

Moving from using nappies to Huggies Nappy-Pants can help your child grasp:

  • pulling their underpants up and down
  • keeping themselves dry by going to the toilet when they need to
  • getting underwear from their dresser drawers
  • that training pants and undies are different to nappies

If they happen to have an accident, Huggies Nappy-Pants will absorb the mess that undies can t!

Becoming a Big Kid

Let them know that by wearing Huggies Nappy-Pants they are becoming a big kid and they will love the responsibility of taking care of themselves. You can even keep them in the drawer as you would proper undies as part of this transition process.

Treat Huggies Nappy-Pants Just Like Undies

Treat Huggies Nappy-Pants as you would normal undies, except for the fact that you dispose of them as opposed to wash them. Take it a step further and store Huggies Nappy-Pants in their drawers or cupboard.

Have your child pick them out of the drawer and put them on just like undies. When they show good progress in how they use their Huggies Nappy-Pants, start to put underwear in as well, and let them start to choose what they want to wear.

Try a Free Sample!

With the Huggies Nappy-Pants free sample, you can get a sample delivered direct and see the following for yourself:

  • great designs which make them look like undies
  • how your child reacts to them
  • how they look and feel and how they will manage those accidents
  • try one out on your toddler, even if just for a couple of hours

Your kids will no doubt love the cute designs too.

Find out more about toilet training support products including potties and toilet training seats here. Or start reading up about the various toilet training tools available.

16/09/21 - min Read

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