Utlrasound scan of twins

Pregnant with Twins, Triplets and Multiples

Although a wonderful concept, the reality is that multiple births do carry an increased risk of complications for both mothers and their babies. So as a rule, from the time that a multiple pregnancy is confirmed, planning starts for making the births as safe and ideal as possible. Weighing up the health and safety issues with what the mother and her partner want from their babies? birth can be a delicate balancing act. But no matter what is desired, the safety of the mother and her babies always needs to be the paramount goal.
Having Twins or More
One of the first questions a newly pregnant mother often asks is “Am I having twins ?” And until it is confirmed that only one embryo is present, there is always the potential for multiple babies to have been conceived.
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Hormone (hCG), is unique to pregnancy and is the hormone detected in blood and urine.
Until around 1945, we did not know about Vanishing Twin Syndrome.
When a couple finds out they are having twins, it can come as a genuine surprise.
Twins are conceived in a different way to singleton babies.

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