Bonnie Anderson: My Journey Into Motherhood

Why first-time mum, singer, songwriter, actor and self-confessed organisation queen – is obsessed with her gorgeous son Bobby’s delicate skin.

It’s been an absolute whirlwind since Bobby came into our lives seven months ago, born five days before Christmas 2022. Watching my newborn son being passed around my family on Christmas Day was such a joy, even though I was so tired and emotional. Bobby was the eighth boy to be born in our already-big family, so I’d had plenty of experience with babies before having him. Having seven nephews’, I was a pro at changing nappies before Bobby was born. With Huggies being recommended by my siblings, I felt confident making them my choice, too.

My fiancé Sam and I named our boy Bobby Ray after two much loved family members, so his name is super special to us. Mostly he’s simply ‘Bobby’ but sometimes we call him ‘Bobby Ray,’ such as when we’re playing games, or in the little ‘Bobby Ray’ songs we make up. I sing to him constantly, in the bath, in the car, everywhere; he already loves music!

As a new mum, I’d describe myself as a ‘relaxed control freak’ – yep, I’m a total Virgo. Planning every detail and being overly organised actually keeps me calm and I think this rubs off on Bobby as he’s such a happy, chill baby. Being a self-declared perfectionist, my hospital bag was packed months before my due date, complete with Huggies Newborn Nappies and Baby Wipes, newborn outfits, and lollies (for me). That bag, and Bobby’s nursery, were the most organised parts of our lives during that happy but crazy pre-baby time, with a house renovation in full swing and touring up until I was seven months pregnant.

Baby wearing Huggies newborn nappies lying on mum

Like I imagine all of us new mums feel, I am in love with everything about Bobby. Everything. His laugh, his little feet, observing every tiny change as he become his own little human. My favourite time of day is early morning, walking into his nursery and seeing that gorgeous grin. It makes my heart sing, even when I’m tired beyond words. Everyone tells you how tired you’ll be but nothing can prepare you for the reality of this fatigue. I’m running on love – and coffee!

Since the day Bobby was born, I have been obsessed with his delicate skin. I was blown away to learn that babies’ skin is actually up to 30% thinner than adults’ so I’m always really mindful of protecting it. Bobby is fair-skinned, and we live near the beach, so we’ve always been extra careful about protecting his skin in the sun. We use a baby-safe sunscreen, keep him well covered and hydrated, and he always wears a hat. In fact, we never leave home without one - hats are so cute on babies! Caring for Bobby’s skin is also incorporated into our night-time routine. Every night he has a warm bath (not too hot to prevent drying his skin), followed by a gentle massage with moisturiser, a fresh Huggies nappy, PJs, book and bed.

Baby wearing Huggies newborn nappies lying on mum

I was genuinely excited to be one of the first to try Huggies Newborn Nappies with zinc enriched layer. I can honestly say they have been a total game-changer in caring for Bobby’s skin – I would recommend them to other parents too. Like my hospital bag was last year, Bobby’s baby bag is also super organised - I can’t help myself! In it at all times are Huggies Nappies and 99% Purified Water, a spare outfit, his dummy and water for us both, plus a hat, of course! I always have a stash of Huggies nappies everywhere we go (even the car too!).

Life is full-on at the moment, as a new mum with a busy touring schedule, but I’m so happy to be working and to have the flexibility to be with my boy and watch him grow. Sam and I are loving being parents. It’s the most beautiful, pure experience and so hard at the same time. I love our one-on-one time and all the simple, special moments when the three of us are together in our family bubble. The best advice I received before becoming a mum was: “don’t wish away the time,” and it’s so true. I’m so impatient for him to reach every milestone but at the same time there’s a sharp sense of loss as every precious stage passes. Motherhood makes you so much more emotional, in the best possible way!

Bonnie’s top 5 must-have baby products

  1. Huggies Nappies
  2. Huggies 99% Purified Water Baby Wipes. “We have them literally everywhere. I buy the 3x72 packs so we’re always well-stocked.”
  3. A sleep aid for the nursery which combines sound, light and aromatherapy to help babies drift off to sleep and settle through the night.
  4. “A nasal aspirator is really helpful when Bobby is sick and congested.”
  5. A thermos baby bottle to keep sterilised water warm for up to 12 hours. “This is great for travelling and when we’re on the road.”
02/08/23 - min Read

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